Rights Respecting Schools
Rights Respecting School
We are a Rights Respecting School and are dedicated to teaching children about their rights.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement by countries who have promised to protect children’s rights.
The Convention explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments. All the rights are connected, they are all equally important and they cannot be taken away from children. (www.unicef.org)
Silver Aware
We have achieved the second stage of Rights Respecting School, which is Silver. It is granted by UNICEF UK to schools that show good progress towards embedding children’s rights in the school’s policy, practice and ethos, as outlined in the RRSA Strands and Outcomes
- We explicitly embedding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in our policy, practice and culture.
- We promote knowledge and understanding of the Convention throughout our school community.
- We are beginning to see the positive impact of these actions on children and young people, staff, and on the school’s ethos, practice and environment.
- Children and young people are beginning to see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and advocates for fairness and children’s rights, both locally and globally.
Class Charters
In each class in our school, we have a Rights Respecting Charter on display. They have been created by the children at the beginning of the school year and they help children understand the rights that all children in the class have. Children discuss what needs to be done in the classroom to ensure that the rights of other children are respected.
Adult Charter
Adults in school are considered ‘duty bearers’. This means that they have a responsibility to respect, promote and uphold children’s rights within school. At St Mary’s we have an Adult Charter.