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SEND and Mental Health

Special Education Needs and Mental Health

Graduated Approach to SEN

Teachers support pupils to work within the expected age-related objectives, where possible, regardless of their needs. Learning is differentiated to support pupils and allow for a variety of learning styles.

We aim to identify SEN needs as they arise through:

  • Teachers’ assessments, which may show that a child is not making expected progress
  • Observations
  • Discussion at Pupil progress meetings
  • Parental concerns

Initially, teachers will use a range of strategies to support children making slower or little progress before suggesting a child has SEND, using the Ordinarily Available document to support them.

The school adopts an Assess, Plan, Do, Review process:

  • Assess – this involves taking into consideration all the information from discussions with parents/carers, the child, the class teacher and assessments.
  • Plan – this stage identifies the barriers for learning, intended outcomes, and details the additional support that will be provided to help overcome the barriers. Decisions are recorded on an SEN Provision map and form the basis for review meetings.
  • Do - provide the support – extra assistance for learning – as set out in the plan.
  • Review – measure the impact of support provided and consider whether changes to that support needed to be made. All of those involved – learner, parents, teacher, SENCo and outside agencies contribute to this review when necessary. This stage then informs the next cycle of provision mapping and one-page profiles.

Seeking Support

If you have concerns about your child, talk to their teacher in the first instance. They may set up a meeting with the SENCo, or you can contact the SENCo directly

If you want further information about the support and specialist services available in the island, you can visit the Jersey Online by clicking on the image below:

You can also visit the Children and Families hub which can signpost you to services and support -

Outside Agency Support

There are a number of agencies who work with families and schools to support children who may have special education needs. Click on the links below to find out further information: