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Absence Request Form

Pease ensure that family holidays and any other leave are arranged outside of school term time. Parents should not remove their child from school during term time without having first requested a leave of absence in writing from the Head teacher (please see form below). All requests for absence will be responded to in writing and will only be authorised in the most exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances include:

  • Bereavement or the serious illness of a relative in the UK,
  • Employees who are given their holiday dates with no flexibility (e.g. fire service, etc.)
  • It may also be possible for permission to be given to travel to a celebratory event off island (such as an afternoon travelling to get to Grandma’s 70th, etc.)

Permission will not be given to attend in island celebrations during school time. All term dates and INSET days are available on the school website and Taking your child out of school without authorisation could potentially result in the school needing to take action and a referral to the Education Welfare Officer.