School Uniform
School uniform has a number of options. Some children, especially those with sensory issues can find uniform very uncomfortable and this can interfere with their learning, and therefore we offer the flexibility for children to wear other things. We expect children to either wear school uniform or practical clothing that is suitable for learning, such as plain trousers and a school hoodie – see the guidance below.
- Royal blue sweatshirt
- Appropriate clothing for all activities – outdoor included
- Pair of wellington boots (to remain at school)
- Royal Blue V neck jumper/ cardigan
- White polo shirt OR (KS2) a white shirt and school tie
- Grey trousers/ shorts/ skirts
- Sensible black shoes (Velcro fastening in Reception and KS 1) – no heels, trainers or ballet pumps and suitable for light rain
- Grey or white socks
- Options: Winter - grey pinafore dress, grey tights
- Summer- pale/royal blue and white check dresses
PE Kit:
- Children from Years 1-6 come into school wearing their PE tracksuits on the days they have PE (not sports skins).
- Royal blue PE shorts
- White polo shirt
- Plain trainers – no fashion trainers or hightops
- Plain navy tracksuits for children from Year 1 up.
Uniform is available in a range of local shops and also all major online supermarkets and delivery is available.
Guidance on sensory uniform
The object of children being able to come into school in less formal uniform is to provide flexibility for parents, and alternative options for children who may have sensory issues that may be triggered by school uniform. Suitable clothing amounts to:
- A plain pair of black trousers,
- Plain white or black t-shirt,
- School hoodie
- Sensible, close-toed black shoes.
The school hoodie is currently available from Lab-6, and the logo is available for anyone wishing to source a particular sweatshirt from another supplier.
When children wear clothes other than school uniform, for example on dress down days, what they wear must be appropriate for the school environment, and be in line with the following guidance:
- Clothes should be school appropriate. No crop tops, short shorts, or off the shoulder tops, or padded bras
- Clothes should be free from slogans, logos and ‘fashion statement’ images
- Appropriate clothing for sports should be worn on scheduled PE days
- Make-up, jewellery and flip-flops are not permitted
- Clothing should allow for normal, comfortable childhood play in the playground, so should be properly fitting, and suitable for physical activity.
Second Hand Uniform Rail
Our parents often donate good quality second hand uniform. This is held in school and parents are welcome to come and choose items of clothing to take away free of charge.
In general, the uniform is most suitable for Years R-4, but at the beginning of the school year we often have sizes for the older children.
Please take advantage of this – please ask at the office, if the rail isn’t out, and come and root around in the boxes in the Medical Room.
Jewellery should not be worn in school. This includes charity bangles, necklaces and rings. Children with pierced ears may wear plain studs. We will not accept liability for any injuries associated with earrings. Please limit earrings to not more than one in each earlobe. Children may wear medic-alert bracelets if applicable, and watches from Year 2 upwards. Fitbits and similar devices are not allowed in school.
Shoulder length and long hair must be tied back all day, and long fringes must be clipped back off the face. For safety reasons we ask that children do not wear beads in their hair. Minimal hairbands should be blue, black or white.
Tattoos and nail varnish
Temporary decorations such as transfers, tattoos and nail varnish should not be worn in school.
Art and craft aprons
Children need to wear an overall or apron during art, craft and technology activities. Purpose made items are available or a large old shirt with the sleeves shortened may be worn. Aprons should be kept in school during term time and should be taken home and washed at the end of each term.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones are not allowed in school. If you wish your child to have a mobile phone with them for a particular day, please arrange to hand the phone to Mrs Billot at the main office at the start of the day and for your child to collect it at the end of the school day.
Precious items
Children must not bring precious (sentimental or valuable) items into school. These items include toys, jewellery, electronic games, etc. The exception to this is when it has been arranged that such items can be brought in for special assemblies or lessons. In this case the items can be kept safely. At no other time will the school be held responsible for precious items.