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Data Protection and Privacy

Data Protection and Privacy

St Mary's School processes a significant amount of personal data, including pupil records, staff details, and parental contact information. It is essential that the school complies with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 (DPJL) to ensure that personal data is handled securely, fairly, and lawfully.

Key Principles of Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018

The DPJL requires organisations, including schools, to process personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently. The six fundamental principles are:

1.   Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency – Schools must have a legal basis for collecting personal data and inform individuals about how it is used.

2.   Purpose Limitation – Data should be collected for specific, legitimate purposes (e.g., communication with parents) and not used for unrelated reasons.

3.   Data Minimisation – Only the necessary information should be collected and displayed (e.g., using initials instead of full names in newsletters).

4.   Accuracy – Personal data should be kept accurate and up to date.

5.   Storage Limitation – Data should not be kept longer than necessary (e.g., deleting photos of past events after a reasonable period).

6.   Integrity and Confidentiality – Schools must ensure that personal data is secure and protected from unauthorised access.

Copies of our policy are available from the school office.

Parents are asked to regularly review and update any data held by the school.