Welcome to St Mary’s Primary School
Thursday 27th February is 'Fat Thursday'. This is a tradition in some Christian countries and is a part of Carnival, which this year runs from 27th February to 4th March (Shrove Tuesday.). Mrs Cabot has organised a donut fundraiser for the PSA. Children can buy a donut for £1:00.
It's World Book Day on Thursday 6th March! Our Reading SMART group discussed this and decided there would be no theme, we want everyone to be able to celebrate their favourite book by bringing in a potato character (who even knew that was a thing? Check out the photos for ideas!). Pupils will need to know the character, book and author. Pupils can dress up to match their potato if they want to but the competition will be for the best dressed potato ...
The gift of reading is a wonderful thing!
I have no official confirmation, but to there seems to have been an accident on the road by the garage. Please avoid that route if you possibly can.
Tuesday was 'Safer Internet Day' and to mark this important day our digital leaders delivered assemblies to KS1 and KS2. The theme this year was 'Too good to be true? Be aware of scams.' Every class also carried out activities learning about phishing, scams and personal information.
Here are the Spring ordering dates for hot lunches.
The Town Library is hosting an event for multilingual families and friends on Saturday 1st March, between 10:00-12:00. Please share with anyone who may be interested!
The Health and Safety SMART group had a great time with Mr Drew, learning about how the Honorary Police keep us safe monitoring the roads. The children completed a traffic survey, and had a go using the walkie talkies. They learnt to use the speed gun, and discovered that the breathalyzer takes a lot of puff!
To celebrate 'National Storytelling Week' Years 1 and 2 visited the Martime Museum to listen to some 'Sea Stories.' We also learnt how to make 'pirate pie' and had a chance to explore the museum. Thank you Jersey Heritage for organising.
CAMHS Training Day for professionals, parents and carers - 27th February 2025
Wow! Year 2 have been working so hard in their lessons with Miss King. Week 3 and they have learnt more body percussion, more sign language and they have been learning how to play the recorders! Not only have they mastered holding them correctly but they are already playing tunes
Year 3 & 4 were visited by local author Jennie Jewell this afternoon. She read 'Drip the Drop' to Year 4 and 'Guardian Aliens' to Year 3. The children listened well and asked some fantastic questions.